Kiriko A special Edo Kiriko for someone special April 24, 2023 Joining a company, changing jobs, and personnel transfers. Spring and early summer are times when more people meet new people and take on new challenges. Family, siblings, best friends, seniors...
ExhibitionKiriko Spring Edo Kiriko Exhibition April 14, 2023 Rare Edo Kiriko glass in Asakusa Kappabashi "Edo Kiriko" is a traditional craft representative of Japan. Carefully selected by the discerning eye of TSUCHI-YA, a glass specialty store. You can...
Kiriko How Edo Kiriko is made March 17, 2023 Edo Kiriko comes in a variety of shapes, including dishes, glasses, and vases. Its beauty is the result of a great deal of effort and high level of skill. Here,...
Kiriko Kiriko Colors – Transparent and Colored March 17, 2023 Kiriko glass is mainly divided into transparent "clear glass" and colored "colored glass."
Exhibition Local Cider Recycled Glass Exhibition March 14, 2023 An exhibition of works by Nakamura Kazuya, who is active in Mie Prefecture, will begin on Wednesday, March 15th. Learning from Ryukyu glass, which recycled Awamori bottles, They are transforming...
Exhibition Wearable Glass Exhibition February 28, 2023 From Wednesday, March 1st, TSUCHI-YA's first glass jewelry special feature is being held. We will be selling glass rings and ear cuffs by harunasugie for a limited time! "Harunasugie" @harunasugie...
ExhibitionKiriko Colorless Kiriko Exhibition February 17, 2023 TSUCHI-YA is holding a special exhibition of colorless, transparent cut glass called "Colorless Cut Glass" from February 15th. Edo Kiriko is attractive for its vibrantly colored glass and gorgeous decorations....
Exhibition Glass like pottery exhibition February 10, 2023 For a limited time only, from February 1st (Wed) to March 6th (Mon), We are currently holding a special exhibition by glass artist Yuichi Yamazaki called "Glass like Ceramics." "Yuichi...